Enrichment Programs
Literature Day (Fridays for 3 year olds)
Literature Day is an author-based program that incorporates age appropriate books by a different children’s author each week with related songs, finger plays, games, art projects, activities, and snacks. Children in the class are given an opportunity during the year to share their own favorite books and a snack as well.
One teacher and one aide will teach this class, which is limited to 11 students. Only 3-year-old children who are registered at ODNS in the M-W or T-TH class are eligible to register for Literature Day.
When: Friday mornings from late September to mid May
Time: 9:00 – 11:30 a.m.
Discovery Day (Fridays for 4 & 5 year olds)
Discovery Days are an enrichment program offered to our four and five year old students, focusing on themed topics to expand upon the regular curriculum. This class will be taught by one teacher and one aide.
Topics covered will include:
The Human Body
Author Study
and much more!
When: Fridays Only
Time: 9:00 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Spanish Program
With Spanish emerging as the country’s second language, Open Door has teamed up with The Enrichment Company Spanish Club, a professional Spanish program, geared toward preschoolers. Children will be exposed to the Spanish language and culture through a fun and age-appropriate curriculum.
Yoga for Kids
Our students in all classes enjoy a short yoga class biweekly with Miss Melanie! They practice age appropriate themed poses, relaxation and mindfulness.